I know that crime and anti-social behaviour can have a devastating impact on our communities. I know that it is important for local residents and businesses to feel safe in our area.
The previous Police and Crime Commissioner closed Stourbridge Police Station back in 2017. Meanwhile, his successor has announced plans to close more than twenty further police stations, including the nearby Brierley Hill and Halesowen stations.
I believe it is vital that Stourbridge has the Police resources it needs to tackle crime.
That is why I fully support is that a police station or, at the very least, a permanent base for police officers in Stourbridge town centre.
Local people want the reassurance of a visible police presence in our town and, since the closure of the police station by the then PCC in 2017, Stourbridge has been forgotten in my view.
We need our police base back.
It is what I want to see happen, it is what many retailers would like to see happen, and it is what the majority of Stourbridge residents want to see happen.
A new police base in Stourbridge Town Centre has now been found and confirmed after my long running campaign. The location will be announced shortly and is due to open later this year.
I will keep residents informed of developments as they come.