Dudley Council is currently developing a masterplan for Lye and is preparing a bid for a share of the Government’s £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund.
They want to hear YOUR views on how to regenerate Lye as part of the public consultation launched this week.
There are a number of events and activities the Council is holding to ensure that your views are heard, including
Drop-in at Christ Church in Lye this Friday (4th March) between 5 and 7pm
Comments box and information sheets at Lye Library
Online ‘Love Lye’ survey
Letters to High Street businesses today (2nd March)
The Council are finalising further events and ways for you to have your say – I will keep you informed of these.
There is much to celebrate about this historic town and it is important to hear your ideas and priorities for the town so that we can make Lye a better place to live and work in.