I am asking local people to suggest nominations for this year’s NHS Parliamentary Awards that honours staff who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
The annual awards offer a chance to celebrate NHS workers, carers and volunteers for their dedication in providing excellent healthcare.
As an MP, I am allowed to nominate and anyone who wants to do so can send me an online nomination form by 12th April and I will decide who to put forward.
All those who make the national shortlist will be invited to an award ceremony in Westminster in July to celebrate their achievements.
I would love to be able to put forward some of our fantastic NHS staff for these awards and I hope local people will tell me in the next few weeks who they think should be recognised.
There are many categories and it could be an individual or a team who undertake great work to help patients either in a hospital or another setting like a GP surgery.
Please get in touch if you would like me to consider someone or a team, but remember: please use the online form available at the link below.
This year there are 10 categories, including the Lifetime Achievement Award, and a new award, The Excellence in Education and Training Award, which will celebrate new, innovative approaches to recruiting and retaining NHS staff from a range of backgrounds.
The form that must be submitted to me is here: https://nhsparliamentaryawards.co.uk/health-and-care-organisations-how-to-submit-a-nomination-suggestion-to-mps/