I have written to the Black Country Chamber of Commerce asking it to help ensure that people using guide dogs are not excluded from businesses, following a recent event in Westminster by the charity Guide Dogs where I was able to hear from two constituents and guide dog users who urged me to help.
81% of guide dog owners say they have experienced an access refusal. Another worrying statistic was 47% of retail staff and 19% of hospitality staff are unaware that refusing a guide dog is against the law.
The work that guide dogs do is simply remarkable, giving independence to their owners and giving them freedom they simply wouldn’t have otherwise. It was reinforced to me how essential it is that those who use guide dogs have free access to public facilities, businesses and transport, as they are rightfully entitled to.
If business owners ensure their staff are aware of guide dog users' rights and needs, then we can make Stourbridge and the rest of the Black Country a more inclusive place.