I recently went to a local primary school to talk to pupils about how they keep safe online.
I visited St James's CofE Primary School in Wollaston to meet its digital leaders. They are pupils who make sure the internet and computers are used safely and looked after properly.
I also took part in a Q&A session on how I became an MP, what I like about the job and was also asked about online gaming.
The school takes the online world seriously and won an award for online safety in September.
It was a little daunting to be met with such tech savvy digital natives who are completely at ease in the online world but also very aware of its dangers.
I applaud this school for its focus on this part of the curriculum and how important it is to use the internet safely and responsibly.
As always, I enjoyed the Q&A session where I am always in awe of the brilliant questions I get asked. However, I will confess to finding the question about the origins of online gaming a tough one!
Thank you to the digital leaders and staff for allowing me to visit. I love going to our brilliant local schools and this was no exception.