I had the pleasure of attending a Community Lunch with Camphill Village Trust on Easter Sunday.
The event was held at Ashfield Farm & Gardens on Sugar Loaf Lane, where I met Manager, Jenny Cadman, and Keith Williamson, who looks after the animals.
Around 30 people from the Camphill Village Trust Community and their families, came for a meal of a salmon crumble or roast lamb with all the trimmings followed by a pudding of banoffee pie and rhubarb crumble, that they had grown and made on the site.
Entertainment included residents singing hymns and reading poems. I also enjoyed a performance of Hiawatha from Keith and the community drama group. Afterwards, there was blowing and painting eggs, an egg hunt around the woodland and Easter colouring in.
I had a lovely time at Ashfield Gardens – it’s a quite wonderful organisation that does so much in Stourbridge and across the Black Country, even providing Shared Lives, which is similar to ‘foster care’ for adults with care and support needs and helping them live independent lives.
The food and entertainment were really wonderful and I would like to thank the Trust for inviting me and for everyone making me feel at home.