I have written to 20 local primary schools asking them to consider applying for a Tesco community grant to fund projects at their school using the retailer’s blue token scheme.
I sent the letter after meeting with Tesco in Westminster and talking with the supermarket giant’s representatives about some of the projects it has funded for schools via its charity, Groundwork.
Schools who apply get their good cause put on Tesco’s blue token voting point, including one at Stourbridge’s Crown Centre Tesco.
Customers get the final say over which local charity or school to support by voting with their tokens. Projects can receive up to £1,500, £1,000 or £500.
Successful school projects to date have included breakfast clubs, developing spaces like libraries, outdoor activities, cooking classes or equipment purchases.
I do hope the schools will consider putting themselves forward.
3,670 grants have been awarded in the West Midlands so far, totaling over £7 million.
Schools can apply for a grant at: https://tescocommunitygrants.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/